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Individuals searching Angie’s List and other places may be surprise at the overwhelming number of renovation contractors in Souderton PA. Nevertheless, it is important the before hiring a renovation company you do research. As little as a couple of years ago taking a look the Home Advisor testimonials was good enough. As of late that is not a good idea. This is because is a new special report CNN reported that more than 45 percent of Home Advisor reviews are managed by SEO agencies. No matter if you are looking for Replacement Door Company or Sunroom Repairs you can count on ImproveRite Home Remodeling to do a awesome job. We are a family owned business and our legacy depends on the work we deliver!

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How much does roofing cost?

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To ease the stress of hiring a roofing contractor, it is best to gather as much information beforehand as possible. This is especially true when it comes to prices.

For example, you may be wondering what the price of roofing shingles per square foot are for your newly constructed house. It would be helpful to know beforehand that a new house usually requires plywood decking. This means that you will have to pay anywhere from $20 to $30 per sheet of plywood for roofing depending on where you live. The cost of having the material put in place can go for around $40, and roofing shingles on top of this can cost on average $20 per square foot. Of course the quality of the shingles you purchase can substantially change the cost difference.

Re-roofing an old house has its own expenses as well. When you re-roof an old house, it is necessary for the old shingles to be removed. The plywood decking in some cases will need to be removed and replaced, which will add costs. Then comes the expected cost of new shingles, which was previously estimated to cost on average around 20 dollars with approximately 40 dollars added on for installation for each square foot.

When you consider the extra cost of removing and disposing of shingles, the cost of repairing an old roof is close to that of installing a new one as long as all of the plywood decking does not need to be removed and replaced. The added labor cost accompanied by re-roofing an old home usually amounts to around 1,000 dollars if the home is of average size. This does not include the cost of transport and landfill.

In order to find an estimation of how much your roofing project will cost, you can first examine the roof. How many sheets of decking materials do you think will be necessary? Decking materials usually run between 20 and 30 dollars, so you can calculate the cost of decking materials that way. A roll of 30 pound felt usually costs around 20 dollars. Labor costs for any decking materials should now be added, along with shingle prices. For 100 square feet of shingles, a good estimation is 185 dollars for materials and 75 dollars for labor. Add this up, and you should have a fairly accurate estimation of the cost of roofing an old home.

Location actually plays a big role in the price of shingles. Some areas of the country offer shingles that are much lower in cost than other areas. If this is the case in your area, be sure to check the quality of the shingles you are purchasing. It is always better to spend extra cash on the front end than to shelve out oodles of money on repairs and replacement over the next few years.

Cheap shingles can lead to wastage, breakage, and leakage into your home. If you do not invest in quality shingles, there is a chance you may be repairing a lot more than just your roof on the back end of the deal. Good quality shingles brands also tend to offer extended warranties which will really help you out in the case of unexpected damage.

If you are interested in finding an expert roofing contractor, contact ImproveRite for more information on our roofing installation and repair. We’ll get you a free and competitive quote and use some of the best roofers in the industry.

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